Thursday, August 20, 2009

Indian Encounter

When I moved in this year, I knew we had new neighbors. They are Indian, and there were two of them, before I found out there were four. Our apartment is small. In fact, I can barely fit in my room on my own. They are sharing two to a room! I suppose that is pretty good living compared to how they might've lived in India? Sadly, I do not know a lot about Indian culture.

Anyway, all four of them knocked on our door earlier today -- yes, all four. They invited us to a birthday "party" they were throwing tonight for one of them. Jenna was nice about it and said we might stop by later, but it was not a yes.

Then, a few hours later, Jenna, Allie, and I were watching TV, and we were expecting one more friend to come over. There was a knock at the door, and we thought it was Sarah so we opened the door. It was two of our neighbors. "Oh..."

They told us that dinner was ready... and that they made some just for us. "Oh..." We tried to turn them down easily, as we had already eaten, but they were so adamant about us coming over that we decided (the three of us) to go over for a few minutes to be polite.

We went in, met all 4 of them, and quickly went into the kitchen were they introduced us to all the different Indian foods. It was my first time ever having Indian food, so it was kind of cool. But as we got our food, it got so awkward.They didn't eat. We tried to ask questions between bites, but when we got our answers it went silent for a minute and they'd just stare at us as we ate. SO AWKWARD!

When we finished, we tried to quickly but politely leave. They said they had more friends coming so we wanted to go. Once the door shut we all looked at each other in somewhat disbelief and embarrassment. Yikes.

That was my very awkward night. I hope we aren't invited again, honestly. I don't know if it is custom to invite neighbors to dinner or wait while guests are eating, but it was too awkward. They were nice enough, but I don't do well in those kinds of situations. Eeep.


  1. haha yikes! I don't know what part of India they are from, (maybe things are different in the Southern part or something?). But I can assure you as a Pakistani that it's certainly not the norm to invite guests over and them eat? :-\ We let our guests get food first & join them right after we get food for ourselves. (but isn't that applicable to all cultures?). Hmm maybe they were just shy or something...

  2. I was hoping you might be able to give me some perspective on this. It was mighty strange... I guess they were a bit shy or maybe waiting on their friends to come? Eh. At least it's over, haha!
